
This song is dedicate to my papa, my sunshine.

爸爸不在的这些年 是怎么过的?









这五年来,我不知不觉误打误撞一口气完成了我的Diploma 和 Degree, 


爸妈你们要为你女儿感到骄傲啊! 女儿为你们争口气了!





所以我就在我背后纹了"life is like a roller coaster ride" 把像坐过山车的那一年画上句号。

然后2016 的年尾就遇上了大Bii, 之后我就过着安逸的日子。


偶尔和大Bii 小约会,时不时周末回去陪家人,打羽毛球,和老朋友喝茶吹水虚度光阴,

偶尔去Johor 拜访大Bii家人,有时假期去别人活腻的地方来个Short Getaway。


总有一天我相信我可以把我的兴趣变成我的Full Time Job.





然后再到敢爱敢恨的22岁,再然后是已经告别年少轻狂 今年23岁内心开始老成的我。





























这间接影响了我的人生规划,每次工作面试,面试官问我Where do you see yourself in 5 years,

 我都会说 Be Completely Financial Independent and be a experienced and professional in what I'm doing.

虽然面试官都会觉得我是在假掰, 其实我说的是实话ok?






拜托 我们不是没了爸爸会饿死。



可能我妈 我弟 和我 都不是矫情的人吧,尽管旁人觉得我们没心,但是爸爸知道就好了。


爸爸不在的这些年就是 照常过  一样过 ,天天过,开心过,伤心也过,日子天天过。



you are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky are grey,
you never know dear, how much I love you...please don't take my sunshine away....

A Wonderful Birthday Idea to Melt His Heart @ 2 August 2018


Every year around this time, I always make myself stressed by spending ample amount of time thinking what I could do to surprise my boy on his birthday.

Last year, I literally gave him a Pinterest Kind of Birthday Surprise with a Balloon decoration hotel room and whole set of clothes and shoes as presents. And this year I'm really out of ideas what should I prepare for him already.  Well.... this year I want to celebrate his birthday in a simple and budget way and I always like to DIY stuff, so then I scrolled Pinterest to get inspiration during free time. Out of the blue I was like Bingo~ I got an idea how to celebrate his birthday which is a home-cook candlelight dinner and presents That's It!  
Instead of making a fancy dinner reservation, it will be more meaningful and romantic to spend the night in making a delicious meal for the ones you love.

So How I Did for his Birthday Dinner?
To be frank, everything was done in a very impromptu way and rush as I don't know what should I buy and not even a checklist for me to refer to. lols I literally settle everything within One Day at Sunway Pyramid.

Here's my schedule:

First, Went to Sunway Pyramid, Calvin Klein - to buy his presents~
Next, Jo Malone, bought a small size of cologne.
After that I head to Party Shop to buy floral petals and two numbers (his age) I didn't buy any balloons and I went to Daiso... bought pair of wine glass, plates and knifes & forks..Oh and also candles as well as a white table cloth. 
Had lunch at Sushi Jiro...I ordered one Spicy Ramen only....to save cost lol like very pity hor hahaha
After lunch continue running errands...went Aeon to buy the seasoned chicken thigh, spaghetti and a pack of ready made mushroom pasta sauce which save me from chaotic in the kitchen and of course so much time have been save. Lastly, I bought french fries which is ready to eat lol how lazy am I really ~ 
I spent around 4 hours to run errands which Half Day was gone....and I still need to prepare the food and set up the table. So I quickly head back home and get things done.

The cost for the dinner and table setup:
1. 2 numbers balloon and floral petals RM 25
2. a pair of wine glasses RM 11.50
3. a pair of plates RM 11.50
4. a pair of knifes RM 11.50
5. a pair of forks RM 11.50
6. Table cloth RM 5.75
7. One pack of Candle RM 5.75
8. 2 chicken thighs RM 12
9. french fries RM 5
10. Spaghetti RM 6
11. Ready made pasta sauce RM 7
12. Presents RM 464

Total RM 576.5

I spent RM 576.50 for his birthday and the cost is included the presents okayyyy.....call me budget queen hahahaha 

Hmmm actually, I almost forget to write a letter to Him in the card but fortunately I drafted a soft copy in my lappy hahaha Thank God I got a card and envelope at Jo Malone. How Thoughtful this Shop??? Help me save money on cards and envelope lol.. Every Boo's birthday I will write a letter to him cos sometimes ppl just need to know how important they mean to us right.. what a long essay I wrote for him.  
So concentrate reading my letter hahaha

Late night we went to Caffeiness to meet with his buddies, boo was so happy that day as he was able to celebrate birthday with me and his buddies~ 

Boo Birthday Ended Wonderfully ~
Nowadays you wanna celebrate birthday for your loves one your wallet will bleed a lot... balloons, presents and fancy dinner all this you need to spend so much money on their birthday...half month salary gone... Why not you prepare a home-cooked dinner, simple decoration and little presents to surprise him/her? Tell you what, DIY stuffs always win their hearts! What comes more memorable and meaningful than a private time and a thoughtful DIY Birthday surprise you did for them?Well still, safety first okay?Do remember Condom ~ Don't make his birthday surprise become a surprise for both of you. 



In Love with Old Malaya - Pampas at Old Malaya

Pampas Steakhouse 位于一栋已有97年的马来亚殖民时代的建筑 名为Old Malaya,这英倫殖民格調餐廳與酒吧是英殖民时代遗留来的古典建筑。在吉隆坡Jalan Raja Chulan一带任然有许多英殖民时代留下的建筑物,某部分的建筑已经被翻新或申请文化保留建筑,但还是某些建筑还是被遗弃的。然而位于Jalan Raja Chulan 的 Old Malaya 建于1919年的百年建筑现今已被翻新成了餐廳與酒吧...也就是今天要介绍的Pampas Steakhouse 啦~

其实呢Pampas 也只是Old Malaya其中一家餐厅,Old Malaya聚集了几间不同特色的美食餐厅与Bars 。所以要看我下篇Po文哦~ 下篇Po 文呢我会介绍Pampas 的邻居 Manja, 我陆续都会整理 一系列 Old Malaya 的餐厅与Bars的Po文啦~

Pampas Steakhouse 分成三个Departments所以你可以依照自己的喜好来选择在哪个Department消费咯~

1919 Bar

KL Tower 就在后面而已啦~ 

19191 Bar 呢是个户外的 Casual Bar & Restaurant, 所以很适合像我和大Bii 这样的上班族在下班后或周末可以和朋友聚会喝啤酒吹水的好地方啦~ 星期五和星期六晚上真的很多人整个气氛就是很Happening来形容了...

  Kapitan Bar


Kapitan Bar 则是Indoor Bar啦, 从Kapitan Bar的透明式天窗望上去就可以看到大大的KL Tower了室内装潢都是走 Contemporary 风格,Ladies Night 一班姐妹聊天拍照打卡各式各样的cocktail和红酒就这里解决吧~

享受Main Course 就在Pampas Dining Room咯,食物价格介于 RM14 至 RM 158 之间,Menu可以上Pampas 网站查看哦~    

来到 Pampas Steakhouse 不点Steak 怎么行呢? 


没Budget 去 Fine Dine, Anniversary 或生日 就在这里庆祝吧~ 


其实我个人觉得这家餐厅确实有点被大家underestimate,因为无论是从他装潢氛围到食物品质都是在档次上的,绝不输给Troika Strato, Green House by Mui 这些人气餐厅酒吧。反而这家餐厅建筑的背景已经赢了不少餐厅的特色。这建筑就是这家餐厅的特色,老板与合伙们为了不让百年文化遗产就这样被废弃,出了人际关系和一大笔经费来翻新这建筑更值得大家去消费以及欣赏这有着历史的餐厅。其实在Jalan Raja Chulan 很多隐藏及具特色的餐厅酒吧让大家去发掘的,周末假期Jio朋友一起去探索吧~

Pampas Steakhouse Old Malaya
66-68 Old Malaya,
Jalan Raja Chulan,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
用Waze的朋友们 Search Pampas Steakhouse Old Malaya 就行了~

餐厅的号码: +60 3 2079 5548
Reservation : +60 17 282 1164 (Mahabub)
Reservation : +60 12 365 2121 (Mahabub)
Email : shaheera@pampas.com.my

星期一 至 星期日 5pm – 11.30pm (Dining) Bar 5pm – 2am

Bali 巴厘岛必吃的路边摊美食 2018

Bali 除了到旅游景点打卡拍照还有就是不能错过的 Bali 美食啦! 最近在Facebook Instagram 都看好多人分享Bali 旅游的Itinerary, 好多网红都会不时在Instagram Po Bali 拍的照片,渐渐的掀起了去 Bali 旅游风。那本人我呢也在去年年尾去了Bali 发现呢当地的美食超好吃的呐~不只风景美,主题Cafe超好拍之外,路边摊美食更是让我更坚定再次去Bali的心。Soo...这篇PO 文呢就是要告诉你Bali 必吃路边摊啦

路边摊卖的食物都比较小份,价钱自然就比餐厅店面来的便宜,通常都是马币10元以下的。此外,路边摊的食物你可是不能期望卫生会有多好啦,所以呢吃了肚子痛上厕所也是正常的啦哈哈哈。注重卫生干净的大Bii也是被我强逼吃的,人不也好好的嘛.... 好啦以下我介绍的呢都是大街小巷随处可见的小吃,也是我吃过也觉得好吃的。

从我在Bali第一天开始我就随处都看到街上都会有小摊子卖 Bakso然后我就一直好想试下,所以呢我就带着我那个对路边摊不怎么有兴趣的大Bii去吃啦.....我们都order Ayam Bakso,虽然除了鸡还有别的选择,没记错的话好像有牛和鱼吧,但为了保险起见我们都选鸡肉丸咯那个肉丸好好吃,可是分量好少啊,我们两个真的就两三口就吃完了~ Bakso 呢就是他们的肉丸清汤面啦,Heng 那个肉丸跟爆酱鱼丸一样大粒,一碗Bakso 里面有炸云吞,豆腐,冬粉,还有两颗大大粒的鸡肉丸。一碗也才马币大概3块钱。 


! 辣辣的又咸咸然后玉蜀黍本来就是甜的,重点是烤时候你会嗅到很香的牛油味和蒜米味,想到都饿了T.T 他们的牛油都参了蒜米所以烤的时候你就会一直闻到很香很香的蒜香味。我个人比较喜欢Kuta 街的那一摊子的烤玉蜀黍。


这小吃我是在Ubud Art Market 吃的,它是摩托或脚踏车载着一篮里很多一小包的食物停在路边卖的。由于这篮子装着不知道什么名堂的一包一包各式各样的小吃,所以我就叫它乜都有小吃。有炒米粉,kacang putih,肉,菜 等等 都是用小个塑胶袋包成一小包的,我买了几包吃,因为他没有提供叉或牙签所以我跟大Bii 就在塑胶袋咬了个洞就这样吃了 哈哈 虽然是有点不卫生,但说真的你来到这样的地方你自然就不会期望卫生会和日本一样了啦。 但是呢,食物是不错的而且都很便宜,但是有些卖家知道你不是当地人他们就会调高价钱来卖你了那时候我们在Ubud Art Market 跟一个Aunty买的,因为我是Malaysia人自然马来文也会听啊,我明明听到她卖给一个当地人一包10000 IDR 可是我买的时候她算我一包 20000 IDR wtf我整个就森7 啊。虽然印尼的马来文和M’sia的马来文不大一样可是有些读音是一样的。我也不想因为这点小钱而跟自己过不去,毕竟旅行就是开心的嘛。

Nasi Jinggo

Nasi Jinggo 的分量就好像我们Malaysia的香蕉叶Nasi Lemak啦,也是用香蕉叶裹住饭,蛋,辣椒酱还有就是他们多放一样就是炒面,价钱也就介于IDR 5,000 IDR 10,000 之间。也就马币几块钱而已~早餐一人两包就settle~

在巴厘岛真的可以很容易的找到这些很好吃小吃,有人潮的地方就会很多这些小摊子,所以大家都不需要Instagram DM问我哪里我是在哪一摊吃,因为说真的到处都看得到,如果看到有就去买来吃吧! 我介绍的都是我吃过的,但是还有很多很多小摊子卖的食物我都还没吃过的。下次去我要吃遍整个巴厘岛的小吃,或者你们有吃过其他的小吃也可以告诉我哦~  

我的曼谷行5D4N (Itinerary)

终于来到了购物天堂的城市 - 曼谷! 除了买不完的衣服还有吃不完的美食。这趟旅行我真的是把钱花光为国争光惹,呵呵。
这次的酒店真的超棒客服很好!而且还是2016 新开的3星精品旅店哦,舒适又干净的而且一晚价钱RM200++~
而我们的机票呢,是超便宜的说!来回才RM236 而已哦。太幸运啦刚好遇上泰航促销~

另外,要到水上市场会比较麻烦,建议找旅社或者问德士司机买配套,至于其他的旅游景点BTS或tuk tuk可以到。我个人觉得水上市场不值得去吧...入门票开的是天价,进到去卖的东西也不便宜,根本就是为了砍旅客而设的吧。

我住的旅店就在 Pratunam 购物区域所以都是步行或者乘搭旅店的免费tuktuk到 Pratunam 早市和 Platinum mall。步行去Pratunam 早市也才10 分钟,早晨六点已经是人潮一堆了。
*Pratunam 区的巷子都有很多隐藏美食噢*



要血拼的Ladies, Pratunam早市从凌晨5点多就开始营业了,大概11点多早上就陆续关了,早早起来去买个够,买了吃个早餐再去对面的Platinium Mall血拼。如果要买Instagram 名店的潮流的衣服可以在Chatuchak周末市场找到哦,由于Chatuchak 实在太大惹建议各位用两天时间逛啦。如果要买Riya 包包Asiatique可以找到哦!
千万不要忘记体验泰式按摩啦! Pratunam 可以找到很便宜的哦~


入住酒店 - Nap Hotel
Floating Market
大皇宫(Grand Palace) 
卧佛 (Wat Pho)
唐人街 (china town)  t&k seafood 
孝山路(Khao San Road) 

 -Pratunam Market 
– Platinum Mall 
– Terminal 21
 – Srinakarin Train Night Market 

Baiyoke Market
碴图碴市场(Chatuchak Weekend Market) 



旅店= 2人一间 大号床 4晚RM887
Avg. price per night:MYR 222
Nr. nights:×4
Price:                        MYR 887

Hotel一个人                               =RM443.5
机票泰航来回                            = RM 236
Hotel 4nights + Flight Ticket     RM 679.50 

Floating Market 单人入场费      = RM65
Wat Pho 庙 单人入场费             =100 baht
吃喝+ 交通 双人的费用大约    =3000baht
我的购物战利品                        =3000baht

酒店介绍点击这里 Nap Hotel

2018 Bali With My Boo @ Birthday Treats from Boo

Hello peepo, I've been receiving many messages from friends and even strangers ask about my Bali Trip. And I've posted a Chinese version blog post about my Bali itinerary but my lovely Muslim friends and friends who can't read Chinese told me I should come up a English version so that everyone can read hahaha XD   So here you go~

Okayyyyy This 4Ddays3Nights Bali itinerary covers things to do and the best restaurants and cafes to go to! Before I start to talk about my itinerary... I wanted to declare that this Bali trip is not Dee Best or most complete Bali Tour but its definitely Chillax Bali Getaway for both of us~ This trip boo say he wants a chill and relax getaway, so I gave him a super Chillax virgin Bali experience~ Which means I only focus on hipster cafes and restaurants, Great Villas with private pool, Mother Nature, Sunset & Beaches!

Flight Ticket

We bought Return Flight Ticket for RM1300 2pax. which incl. 20 kg baggage. We also bought travel insurance just in case our flight might delay due to the Volcano explosion issue on that time which cost us around RM75 for two people.    


Well well well~ After searching and searching and forever searching...finally I decided to book ➢Aksata Villa instead of Puri Beji B&B for our stay in Canggu. Choosing between this two villa was so STRUGGLE! Puri Beji is super nice but the pool is public pool but Aksata Villa is Private Pool so.. yeah... Aksata Villa I Choose You~ 
Image result for puri beji bed and breakfast canggu
Puri Beji Villa Bed&Breakfast
Source from Booking.com

Source from my Huawei P10

We book our accommodations at ➢Booking.com and it's required prepayment so we dont have to bring thousands thousands of Rupiah to there~ But you guys, one thing you should know before you book hotel at booking.com especially when you book hotel at oversea. Booking.com charge according to the local currency, the MYR price shown in booking.com website is just ESTIMATE Price. NOT NETT Price.
So, one night in Aksata cost me RM 550 something which included a room service breakfast~ This price is worthy for the nice view nice bed nice staff nice service. They try to give us a best experience in Canggu haha cos my phone kena ragut at the First fucking Day in Canggu! They even drive us to police station and waited there for almost 2 fucking hours together with us and also give us a room service call to show their concern. Man I was fucking frustrated and cry like hell when I back to Villa. First Day in Bali Shit Thing Happened ~ But Anyway Anyhow it doesn't ruin my excitement for the next few days to explore Bali~

Okay, now talk about my stay in Seminyak, Villa Kayu Raja which is also booked it from booking.com. Two nights for RM750 no Breakfast included. Private Pool checked, Two Storey Villa checked, complete amenities checked, Jacuzzi Bathtub checked! 

Jacuzzi Bathtub is a Bomb!
Next time I want a Jacuzzi Bathtub in my room.
Imagine myself enjoying Jacuzzi and Netflix at the same time~

View From Second floor~
These photos tell no lies Okayy? Ya knaw What I Mean?
I cannot resist the Jacuzzi Bathtub ~~ GAWD!

Source from VillaKayuRaja.com

Overall, everything is fine, just the price was higher than my expectation. Other than that, services are good, beds are comfy comfy, Jacuzzi bathtub is superb, so good so nice too good to say goodbye lol~

Eat, Play & Shopping 

This is how we go
From Canggu to Seminyak and to Ubud
I must say not everything in Bali is cheap, but you still can find cheap stuff cheap food at certain place like Canggu as there are lesser tourist but more local people. I bought a Ratan Bag from a shop at Ubud for 180k Rupiah which means around RM50 something. Well that place have not much tourist actually. But when I go to Seminyak and Ubud Art market which have more tourists, the cheapest Ratan Bag I found cost 220k Rupiah at least. 

BEACHES & SUNSETS are Must Do in Bali. Chilling at the Seminyak beach, live band, cheap Bintang beer, watching Sun goes down, Y'all call it a moment. I call it life. cited from Pitbull - Feel This Moment lyric. lol

A restaurant just across of the road of Ubud Art Market

My Room Service Breakfast at Aksata Villa

Breakfast at Villa Kayu Raja

At Cabina Bali


Other than that, Babi Guling is a Must EAT in Bali if you are not Muslim or vegetarian.
There are plenty of famous Babi Guling in town but Boo and I decided to try Babi Guling Pak Malen which located at Sunset Road. After a hella terrific traffic, we finally pulled up into Babi Guling Pak Malen, we were greeted with full of people outside the shop and inside is crowded as well. The food is Delicious ~ I love the pork satay and crunchy pig skin. 
Image result for babi guling bali
source from Pegipegi.com
I found some famous Warung that sell Babi Guling as reference.
1. Warung Babi Guling Sanur 
2. Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka (Ubud)
3. Babi Guling Pak Malen (Seminyak)
4. Babi Guling Candra

If you are not a fan of Babi Guling, good news. Bali has been known for "Best Hipster Cafes" & Instagrammable Cafes especially Canggu has been recognized as "Hipster Paradise of Bali"
where you can find the best Hipster Cafes and Instagram worthy cafes where you cannot miss!

Now you must be heard of or seen people sharing on Facebook about Floating Breakfast. Yup, here in Bali you can experience your virgin Floating Breakfast at certain cafes such as Cabina Bali or Panama Pool & Kitchen.
Price Range for these cafe is similar to Cafes in KL and Bangsar area~ So it's consider Affordable lah since we can afford KL price right? hahaha XD  

Our budget to spend on Food for each day is RM 100 except the third day, we spent around RM100
for a luxury dinner at La Favela as I wanted a perfect ending for our trip. And this place didn't let me down, it is awesome because the outside of the shop is full of green plants which seems like a normal shop but inside is huge, vintage interior design, a small pond and the background music makes everything on point.  
In fact, this place is a Restaurant in Day time and Club in Night time~ Oh, and it located in the middle of party central – Kuta.
source from internet
Truth be told, Kuta is a party central, cheap beers, bars, restaurants and most importantly it is a Shopping paradise to me, hahaha bought a swimsuit which cost me RM160. But there's one thing everybody used to say Everything is Cheap in Bali...well I don't think is everything but just certain are cheap. The price range is similar to KL price range. So if you want to shop yes, prepare thousands thousands of Rupiah.

Teggalalang Rice Terrace @Ubud

Must Try Mad Pops Vegan Ice Cream at Kuta~ Very Famous Instagrammable Ice Cream Shop in Seminyak!  

So,I was anticipating a really chilled out, laze around by the private pool or seaside holiday but the little adventure junkie in me excitedly agreed to many other activities and we ended up slotting hiking and waterfall into the itinerary. Nonetheless, it was an amazing trip with a little bit of everything, great company and way too much food.
When you talk about Seminyak famous beach definitely mean Kuta Beach, this beach is so happening at evening onward. There is live band, local kids playing volley ball, full of tourists at outdoor restaurant and bars. We spend our second day in Bali at Seminyak, after we shop and explore Kuta street, we went to the beach and find a restaurant to rest & watch Sunset at Kuta Beach.

So pretty! Halo~

We went Ubud on our Third Day in Bali. To be frank this one day Ubud tour was super exhausted because we had to wake up at 7 am and meet our drive at 8am to depart to Ubud. We first went to Waterfall and next to Tegallang Rice Terrace, Ubud Art Market and last stop is Bali Swing.
We reach Waterfall at morning 9:30 something and the weather was so nice due to raining in the early morning, but unfortunately the waterfall was not allow to swim because the water level increased due to the rain.
Whole day we have to walk a lot... staircases, hills and rocks most importantly is the long hour car ride with the bumpy and small village road.

This is my 4-Day Bali Itinerary ~  


About my transportation in Bali, I often received messages ask me how I travel in Bali, Is there Uber or Grab in Bali? How much for the airport transfer service? Is it All destination are walking distance from my Villa? What's the price?

So here are the answers~

Q.  How I travel in Bali?
A.  In Canggu, we rent a motorbike but we take Bluebird Taxi in Seminyak, personally I'm not encourage you to travel with a motorbike since the traffic in Bali is CRAZY, Drivers are rude. If your skill is good then go ahead but if you are not familiar with motorbike don't go for it or else you'll gonna pee in pants. This gives me a Culture Shocked, the airport shuttle service driver told us the traffic in Bali is a culture, everyone just honk like non stop. Besides that, it is not safety, if you want to Vlog or take photo or video, please dont take motorbike, because my phone was robbed by a fucktard while I using the Waze! And that was a scary memory for me until now, bad experience indeed. We spent whole night in Police station on our first day.
If you take taxi, please be alert as there are authentic and fake taxi. The authentic taxi is called Bluebird Taxi, the fake one look similar to the Bluebird taxi as the color is Blue too. You might get confused by the color, but you can differentiate by the name and logo.

Q. Uber/ Grab car in Bali?
A. They are available in Bali and Government did not ban Uber/Grab. But, local taxi drivers and people who operate travel business anti Uber and Grab and they even held protest to ask Government to ban the operation of Uber/Grab in Bali. So you better don't let them see or let them know you call Uber or take Uber car.  
I've read a local news, a Uber driver was beaten by Taxi driver in Bali. So tourists, y'all better watch out okay?

Q. How much for the Airport shuttle service?
A. The price he gave me is 400k Rupiah. You can rent car & motorbike or book a tour service from him~

Q. How much for your Ubud tour?
A. It cost me 500K Rupiah for a customize tour ~ You can go wherever you want to go and you just have to inform them your destinations so that they can arrange for you. Best option for those who want a no driving & carefree getaway~

So overall expenses is around RM4000++ for two person. But the shopping I personally spent RM 300 something which I didn't include into the itinerary. hahaha XD It is very hard to calculate the precise amount we spent actually, because we are too lazy to walk and I dont know how much exactly we spend on Taxi ! "laugh my ass off dy"  
Below are the expenses for both of us. 



Grilled Corn (You Can find it anywhere in Bali!)

Places To Go

Ubud Art MarketBali Swing Tegallalang Rice Terrace


Seminyak Beach
Seminyak Square


The Lawn Canggu
Cabina Bali
Old Mans Bali
Finns Beach Club

Okay, I'll blog about the cafes and 
restaurants we went in Bali for the next post~
And I shall stop right here~
Stay tuned for new post!
